Correspondence with Alma Mahler and Franz Werfel, 1941-1949.


Correspondence with Alma Mahler and Franz Werfel, 1941-1949.

Topics of Zweig's letters include: her advice to Alma Mahler and Franz Werfel concerning traveling to Mexico to obtain a new visitor's visa for the U.S.; financial and organizational assistance for the emigration of refugees, especially Berta Zuckerkandl, who was a good friend of Alma; the mediation of publishing contacts for various people (including translation rights); news from mutual acquaintances (Franz Theodor Csokor, Ivan Goll, Scholem Asch); and news related to the late Stefan Zweig (his book on Balzac being prepared for publication; later, a book of memorial testimonies from his friends, including a piece by Werfel). A number of items, all dated 1949 (including the letter from Alichanian), concern Zweig's efforts to help Alma find a buyer within the Armenian community for the manuscript of Werfel's novel Die vierzig Tage des Musa Dagh.

18 items (23 leaves).



Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Zweig, Friderike Maria Burger Winternitz, 1882-1971 (person)

A native of Vienna, Friderike Zweig (née Burger) was Stefan Zweig's first wife (it was her second marriage); they married in 1920 and divorced in 1938. Friderike emigrated to France in 1938 and to the U.S. in 1940, where she settled at first in New York and later in Stamford, Conn. Dr. Alichanian apparently held a position within an Armenian organization and provided Zweig with other contacts within the Armenian community. From the description of Correspondence with Alma Mahler and ...

Alichanian, A. Dr. (person)